Sunday, February 5, 2017

Celebration of Saved Seconds - Sledding Photos included!

February 3, 2016

What a wonderful celebration we had on Friday!  The photos below show the high spirits that flew down the sledding hill.  (My apologies if I didn't get a photo of your child - I'm still working on my camera skills!)  Although it doesn't look like much snow, there was enough to send the students soaring down the hill.  Students shared sleds and laughter as they enjoyed the slopes.

Inside we warmed up with muffins, bagels, cinnamon rolls, fruit and donuts.  Students also got to design their own smoothies.  Groups of students created their own recipes using frozen fruit combined with  juice and soy milk.  It was a very fun time! 

This was a great way to celebrate the seconds that the students have saved up (621 to be exact!) by giving me the listening look in less than 10 seconds.  For example, if they are quiet in 8 seconds they can save two seconds.  These seconds have added up over the months and equaled enough for a celebration.  I think that with all the fun we had on Friday, we may be saving up seconds even faster!

Many thanks to all of you who made this day possible by contributing food and sleds!

A group sled!
Ben spinning out of control!
Raquel and Saanvi relaxing at the bottom.
Shakeira flying downhill.
Manny just down the slope and heading back up again!
Ranger expertly escapes injury as he emerges from a slide into the bushes!
Jaylin heads back up!
Cooper pausing for a moment before climbing up for another sledding run.
Stella races down to catch her sled.
Fletcher checking out the slope before racing up again.
Manny and Ben catching their breaths after sledding down together.
Kaitlyn enjoying her ride down.
Siena preparing to climb up again.
Elizabeth soaring down the slope.
Lana laughing!